Surf lessons from Tarzan in Choroni

Friday, January 29, 2010


So Thursday night we went to MacWen, a sports bar close to our house, to watch the baseball game Magallanes vs. Caracas. We had so much fun with the fans around us! Everyone was really into the game. For no other reason than we don't like Caracas, we adopted Magallanes as our team. Unfortunately, they didn't win Thursday night, but that put the series at 3-3 with tonight hosting the final game! We had to show our Magallanes pride and so we went to mercado principal and found cute Magallanes baseball shirts. I love my shirt and can't wait to wear it back in the states. Johan Santana, who used to pitch for the Twins, played for Magallanes! So I guess that's where my true allegiance lies. hahahaha
Tonight we went to a different sports bar...lot more crowded;however it was the final tie-breaking game. Very intense! Magallanes was not playing very well at all. But we did have a double pickle play!! AKA: We got two people out who were both stuck in a pickle. Very exciting!

I'm watching Magic's Biggest Secrets Revealed right now. My brother and I used to watch that all the time when we were younger. The shows here are all old school. Shows I haven't seen in a while...Hey Arnold, I Dream of Jeanie!!The same goes for the music. Everything seems like it is on a 5-10 year time delay arriving from the U.S.

Oh and today Kelsey and I were both wearing red, so many people thought we were Chavistas! Not good: don't ever wear red in this country. We were walking by our residential area to go pick up our laundry and a water balloon landed two feet in front of us!! We giggled and screamed and ran away looking back to see some kids playing in their yard. I don't think they were purposely trying to hit us, but our reaction sure was funny.