Can't believe our trip went by so fast! Today is our final day of spring break in paradise. We lounged by the pool most of the day and I finished reading the Alchemist. Loved that book! Can't wait to get back home and read this summer! We of course did water aerobics in the pool again...gotta work off some of those chocolate croissants. Then tonight we went to Kammy Beach for a concert: it was Los Cadillac's and Caramelos de Cianuro. They played Por Ahora, which is my favorite reggaeton song. So I was dancing all over the place like a maniac. But apparently it was good enough that some venezolano started dancing with me, but when I told him I didn't really want to dance (yo quiero estar soltera, por ahora. lol) he was very confused and walked away mumbling that he thought I was venezuelan. How could I turn him down? hahah Well I did!
The concert ended at 3am and then we took the bus back which was provided by our hotel. We changed, packed up our stuff and then headed to the beach to watch the sunrise. Our flight left at 8am and we had to be on the road by 6am so we just didn't go to bed tonight. Okay we slept a little on the beach waiting for the sun to rise. Great ending to a fantastic trip!
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