I love spending time with Eira's family! They remind me of my extended family at home. I had no idea we were going to the baby shower and it was so much fun! Everybody remembered me and welcomed me right away, but got straight back to playing the games. I jumped right in because I love games! and if I didn't understand I would just ask Rosa to explain in english. But for the most part I understood well! The first game we played was where everybody sits in a circle and one person stands in the middle. They say "toot toot!". Quien es? "La Caretera" y que traje? "Una carta" para quien? "Para todos que....." and then the person says something like for everyone that is wearing jeans. Then those wearing jeans have to stand up and switch to a different seat. Funny thing was that if I didn't understand I just stayed put. Didn't work out though when I apparently had whatever they said and everybody called me out on it. hahaha They also played a game where one person feeds another person baby food while being blindfolded. That was messy and it smelled horrible.
The next game just about made me die...it was the turkey trot!! except they didn't put the coin in between their buttcheeks, but rather in between their knees and then walked over to drop it in a cup. But only the boys played that game. Not sure why? We played another game with a string wrapped around your waist hanging down in between your legs with a pen attached at the bottom of the string. You had to walk over to a bottle and drop the pen into the bottle! It was hard....took me 36 seconds. I couldn't get the pen to stop swinging!
We also played a game where you had to dress the baby as fast as you can! I was super nervous and couldn't put the clothes on fast enough. I guess you had to pretend the baby was real too, because I turned my baby on its head to get the pants on and everybody freaked. ueeyyyyy! haha ooops!
The last game we played was with toilet paper. I was the second one my aunt came to apparently asking us how much tp we wanted? No idea what was going on! So I just took some and said okay. Well we were measuring how big we thought the mom's belly was around! By luck, I won the game and got some tupperware as my gift. HOORAY!
Then it was time for presents. Everybody went up to the gift table to get their respective present and then one by one everybody went up and wished the couple blessings and such. Then they opened the present and everybody clapped! It was different than I had seen before.
Overall it was a great day spending time with 'family'. Lots of laughter!