We were in Plaza Las Heroinas the other day and stopped in Jammin' Expeditions because we saw one of the students from VENUSA there and then I found out about a ziplining day trip they offered. It ended up being six of us that went and we had a blast. The first part was a tight rope walking part bewteen two trees and then there were 3 ziplines but we had to wait for the whole group when we went. At one point all of us plus the 2 guides were squished together on a very small platform high up in the canopy. Scary! We got done around 6:30pm. I went home ate dinner and Eira talked about going to a quinceñera for a co-workers daughter. She didn't really want to go and Dominico wasn't feeling that good but somehow I invited myself along and we ended up going. The decorations were red and white with butterflies everywhere. Eira didn't know anyone at the party except for the mom of the quinceñera, so we just took a seat at the back of the room at a table and waited. My mom felt uncomfortable which made me feel uncomfortable too.....here I was some gringa showing up to a quinceñera. Eira told me about a saying that was something about how when you feel out of place or uncomfortable it's like being a cockroach dancing among gallos (which is an animal that eats cockroaches.) Anyway, within 5 minutes of her telling me that story the largest cockroach in the world came out from the woodwork and started right for the cake table! Everybody screamed and Eira and I just laughed so hard. How ironic?! Some extended family ended up sitting with us at our table, it was a little awkward. We made small talk.
Okay so you know how every family gathering has that crazy uncle that drinks waaay to much and then makes a fool of himself on the dance floor? Yeah, well I danced with him. He was the skinniest and tiniest man ever and boy did he dance crazy. At one point, I'm pretty sure we were marching around the dance floor. I just followed whatever he did! haha I wasn't even planning on dancing and neither did my parents until la hora loca started and then I actually recognized some songs. We ended up dancing until 3am when we left, but the party wasn't over then. They didn't even cut the cake yet!! Funniest part was that that night was the latest I had ever come home and I was with my parents. :)
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