Today is Eira y Dominico's 21st wedding anniversary. So after school we went out to dinner as a family to Hostel Madrid. It was the same restaurant we went to watch Ali play in the Flamenco band. I orderd a Ceaser salad with shrimp. I know sounds very simple, but after eating arepas every day it hit the spot!! SO yummy! We also had wine with dinner. It was Castillo de Molina, a was good. Oh so good story: when I went to the bathroom I was fixing my hair in the mirror and my elbow hit the container of the paper towels and fell apart!!! Paper towels fell all over the sink area. I couldn't stop laughing and hoped that nobody would walk in on this gringa breaking the towel dispenser. I couldn't get it back together very easily either, so I was in the bathroom for a while. When I came back out after finally fixing it, I had to explain what happened in spanish. My mom could NOT stop laughing...because she was sure I got lost or something for taking so long. hahahaha
After dinner Rosa, Angel and I made dessert at our house. We used those biscoff cookies from Monday night, Rosa bought cream and I bought chocolate and strawberries. We made up a very yummy dessert with all of those ingredients in cute little ice cream cups. We froze the individual postres and served them. THEY WERE SO DELICIOUS! So now I am going to call them CopaRosas and make them at my B&B. When people ask about the name I can tell them about my sister Rosa and my time abroad in Venezuela. Yay yay!
Oh and before I went to bed my mom came in to talk to me about relationships, because I had commented earlier on how 21 years is a beautiful thing what with couples not staying together for very long nowadays. She told me that when I have a boyfriend or with my husband the most important thing is communication. It is so important to talk and not to fight. hahah Thanks mama for your wisdom! so cute!