Today was probably one of the best days here, although I never have a bad day. I live in Venezuela! But this day was just extra special. Around 2pm Johan, Juan Diego and Fernando picked up Kelsey, Brittany and I and we headed to Garzón to get ingredients for pizzas! We ran into Eira at the grocery store, so she was able to meet mi novio, Juan Diego. Johan made the pizza dough from scratch so we had to let it rise. So I played futbol in the street with the neighborhood boys and Fernando, while little Juan Diego walked down the hill with his bicycle. It was so funny, he couldn't stop himself and yelled out "ayudame!" in his high little voice. Adorable! We of course helped him out. The boys set up a game of shootout and since I was an adult they made me kick from farther away. Well, I drove the ball straight past the little 8 year old goalee and blew my flip flop apart. They were my favorite cute black sandals. Oh well, I guess that's what you get when you play with sandals. It was an epic kick though!
After I blew my shoe apart, I headed back inside to make the pizzas. We had jamon, cebollas, champiñones, maiz, pimenton, anchoas (only on Johan's pizza), aceitunas negras y mozarella. ¡Muy delicioso! We sat together as a family and ate dinner. They showed us family albums while we were waiting for the other pizzas to cook. Brittany helped Johan with his iTunes so we had salsa and merengue playing. It was great to spend time with 'family' on a Sunday night and enjoy each other's company. They really are the best family in Merida. Later on Johan's cousin, Harry, stopped by to grab some pizza. I love HARRY! He was the one I ran into at the grocery store. The girls and I helped clean up the kitchen and then danced with Harry. I didn't want to leave!