Today I met Caitlin in her neck of the woods. I had to take a bus and when I tried to get off at the stop, this buseta had a buzzer, I guess I didn't push the button hard enough because the guy didn't stop. So I pushed it harder and got off at the next stop to find myself in front of a beautiful flower shop! I picked up some flowers for my mom after the muesum and she was so surprised. They smell so good!!
As I was walking back from the musuem every guy I passed asked if the flowers were for them, even a couple of police officers. WHAT?!!
The museum was really fun. We spent almost all day there because it was a guided tour, of course in spanish. They asked if we wanted a translator, but we said no. I understood most of what the guide was saying. They had an ecology exhibit, a dinosaurio exhibit, then an earthquake exhibit with a simulator, an optical illusion area and then a planetarium compelete with one of those inflatable domes where they project the night sky onto the ceiling. So fun!! I learned some new constellations and the guide apoligized after because he spoke so fast. How sweet!
Just throwing it out there that I realized I feel like I am in the movie I am Legend, because I feel like at night I have to stay in, shut the door and close the windows. Not because it's unsafe outside but rather because people just don't go out at night. Or at least my family doesn't. haha