Johan and Gija are the husband and wife team that cook our lunches in VENUSA (their sons are Juan Diego and Fernando). They are the hardest working and sweetest family I have ever met. Love them!! Well, they sell a ton of chocolate in their little tienda and so of course I buy a little something everyday. Now the two of them know that when I come in, I want chocolate! They ask me what type of chocolate do you want today? Usually I let them pick, because I just want to try everything. Recently, the started making tequenos which are so addicting! They are like the cheese curd of Venezuela. Fried cheese and bread! So salty and SO GOOD! Yesterday I ate two and a half. Johann and Gija made fun of me, asking if I wanted to dip in chocolate. But they also invited me over, as well as Kelsey and Britanny, to make pizzas with their family. So cute!
I guess its a good thing that I started going to yoga today. Although, that may not keep my weight down from all the dulces, I'm at least doing some exercise! I really enjoyed the class this morning. My mom came with me and she really liked it to. We are going to go every Tuesday and Thursday morning. They also have bailoterapia on friday nights which is similar to zumba. As of this morning I am a member, so I will be going to as many classes as I can to offset my horrible eating habits. But hey, when in Merida right?
Oh and you know that dog that I see everyday on the way to school? Well today I found him inside the panaderia (bakery) and of course asked him what he was doing. :)