Surf lessons from Tarzan in Choroni

Saturday, February 6, 2010


Today I went tandem paragliding off the top of a mountain! It was so much fun! The drive up to the top caused my stomach to get a little queasy knowing I would soon be flying through the valley. There were four of us from VENUSA that went and we met two other older guys from South Africa who were pastors. They were very friendly!
So we got all our gear on and then waited for the wind to be just right. I really didn’t have any time to be nervous, because he attached my harness to his and then we ran off the mountain!! My stomach didn’t get that feeling at all. It was so peaceful and calm. The scenery was gorgeous! We were up in the air for close to 30 minutes. To lower ourselves we both had to lean to the right and spiral down! I loved it!! Overall a great experience and I would definitely do it again!

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