Today Rosa, Angel, Caitlin y yo fuimos a Venezuela de Antier. It was basically an Epcot theme park, but the Venezuelan version. They had a guided walking tour through all the representations of the different geographic regions of Venezuela. We first started out in Margartia Island and had to do this maypole dance with ribbons, while some cute old men played guitars. The crazy lady in charge spoke with the dialect from Margarita and wore the typical clothes. She also hugged all the guys in our group and grabbed all of their butts when she did!! After that we headed to Los Llanos and placed our bets in a game of Rabbit Roulette. There was an arena with 60 little houses set up inside a circular pit and we had to pick a numbered house. I choose #50! Then the guy would spin the rabbit around and placed it in the middle of the circle. We waited for the rabbit (named Perezoso) to pick a box. He chose #58 and so I was the closest! I WON!! Four people placed bets including myself so I won 8 bolivares. The day continued traveling to Caracas and the Plaza de Toros, where they had a person dressed up as a bull 'fighting' a torero. Good news is that I ate some tequenos while I was in Zulia! Overall we had a great day!
(Pictures will come soon....)